Hunter Statement Regarding the National Security Foreign Investment and Strengthened Transparency Act

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Washington, D.C. --- U.S. House Armed Services Committee Chairman Hunter (R-CA) today released the following statement regarding H.R. 5337, the National Security Foreign Investment and Strengthened Transparency Act. The legislation would take steps to reform the process for approving foreign investment in the United States.

Rep. Hunter's statement follows:

"The majority of the House Armed Services Committee's major concerns have been addressed and met in this legislation. However, several concerns still remain."

"With the assurances of the House Majority Whip, we think it's important to advance the bill to conference. Mr. Blunt has assured us that we'll work out our remaining concerns and we look forward to that opportunity."

Hunter highlighted several of the important improvements made to the National Security Foreign Investment and Strengthened Transparency Act, including: