Oaths act queensland who can witness
(1) A
"special witness" , for a document, is a person who is— (a) an Australian legal practitioner; or
(b) a government legal officer under the Legal Profession Act 2007 who— (i) is an Australian lawyer but not an Australian legal practitioner; and
(ii) witnesses documents in the course of the government work engaged in by the officer; or
(c) a justice or commissioner for declarations approved by the chief executive under subsection (2) ; or
(d) a justice or commissioner for declarations— (i) employed by the law practice that prepared the document; and
(ii) who witnesses documents in the course of that employment; or
(e) a notary public; or
(f) a person mentioned in subsection (3) for the document.
Note— See sections 31Q and 31S for further provision about special witnesses.
(2) The chief executive may approve a justice or commissioner for declarations to be a special witness if the chief executive is satisfied the justice or commissioner for declarations is an appropriate person for witnessing documents under part 6A .
(3) For subsection (1) (f) , a person is also a special witness for a document if— (a) the document is prepared by the public trustee; and
(b) the person is a justice or commissioner for declarations who is an employee of the public trustee.
(4) In this section—
"Australian lawyer" see the Legal Profession Act 2007 , section 5 (1) .
"law practice" see the Legal Profession Act 2007 , schedule 2 .