The Finance Department of the City of Radford is located in the Public Safety Building. The department consists of the Accounting and Utility Billing divisions.
The Accounting Division includes budget preparation, financial statement preparation, external audit coordination, general ledger maintenance, payroll and associated duties, and accounts payable. For assistance please call 540-731-3614.
Utility Billing
Utility Billing includes customer service and billing for electric, water, waste water, and garbage collection. All customers must complete an application for service and present a picture ID for proof of identification. A deposit of $200 for Residential Electric Service and/or a deposit of $50 for Residential Water Service, or an acceptable letter of credit from a previous utility provider will be required. To establish new service, terminate an existing service or for assistance please call 540-731-3602 or visit the office located in Room 156.
10 Robertson Street
Radford, VA 24141
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Utility Billing Supervisor
619 2nd Street
Room 156
Radford, VA 24141
Phone: 540-731-3602
Fax: 540-731-3689