A portion of your rent is used to pay property taxes. You may qualify for a Renter's Property Tax Refund depending on your income and rent paid.
field_block:node:page:field_paragraphNew filing method for renters begins next year
Beginning with tax year 2024, r enters will no longer file a property tax refund return. Instead, the credit will be added to your income tax return. Visit our Renter's Credit webpage for more information.
To qualify, all of these must be true:
Certain subtractions can help you qualify for the refund or increase your refund amount. You may claim a subtraction for each of these that apply:
You can claim your refund through a software provider or by paper. For details, see Filing for a Property Tax Refund.
You will need a completed Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) from your landlord. You must include all CRPs with your return.
The CRP shows how much rent you paid during the previous year. You must include all CRPs when applying for your Renter's Property Tax Refund.
Your landlord must give you a completed CRP by January 31.
Ask your landlord to correct or provide your CRP.
If your landlord does not correct or provide it by March 1, you may request a Rent Paid Affidavit (RPA) from the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
If you cannot get a CRP from your landlord, you can request a Rent Paid Affidavit (RPA) to apply for the Renter's Property Tax Refund. See Create a Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) for more information.
Note: We issue Rent Paid Affidavits beginning March 1 each year.
To request an RPA, contact us and provide us the following:
Your Information
Note: If you are married, provide your spouse's name, date of birth, and Social Security Number.
Landlord Information (required)
Unit Information
Request your RPA by:
Follow the instructions on the RPA when applying for your Renter's Property Tax Refund.