
Navsregs>Ship Certification>CSR
A permanent record of a ship’s life
What is it?
The Continuous Synopsis Record is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship
Which ships need to carry one?
Ships engaged on international voyages. The CSR shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection at all times.
Why is it needed?
It is required by SOLAS Chapter XI-1 – Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety, Regulation 5 – Continuous Synopsis Record
What does it contain?
Ship identification
- The ship’s IMO number
- The name of the ship
Registration details
- The name of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly
- The date on which the ship was registered with that State
- The port at which the ship is registered
- The date on which the ship ceased to be registered with that State.
Ownership information:
- The name of the registered owner(s) and their registered address(es)
- The registered owner identification number;
- The name of the registered bareboat charterer(s) and their registered address(es), if applicable
- The name of the Company, as defined in regulation IX/1, its registered address and the address(es) from where it carries out the safety-management activities
- The Company identification number
- The name of all classification society(ies) with which the ship is classed
- The name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized organization which has issued the Document of Compliance (or the Interim Document of Compliance)
- The name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized organization that has issued the Safety Management Certificate (or the Interim Safety Management Certificate)
- The name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized security organization that has issued the International Ship Security Certificate (or the Interim International Ship Security Certificate).
What form does it take?
It has three parts
- Form 1 The CSR
- Form 2 Amendment form
- Form 3 Index of amendments
How is it amended
On each change a form CSR 2 is completed showing the new details. The original is kept with the CSR 1 on the ship and a copy sent to the flag state administration.
The Flag state issue a revised CSR 1 to the ship, which is given a sequential number, the initial one issued on build being 1
All the CSR1s have to be retained on board.
The CSR3 is a is updated with a summary of the amendments.
The Administration needs to keep a copy (which may be an electroniccopy) of each CSR document issued to the ship.
The CSR is required by SOLAS Chapter XI-1 – S
It contains a history of the ship’s life from build to scrapping
It is made up of three forms.
- Form 1 The CSR
- Form 2 Amendment form
- Form 3 Index of amendments
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